Montivipera wagneri

this is a medium size vipers with an average lenght of 75 cm.


(Photo: B. Trapp)
(Photo: Mario Schweiger)
It is found in sparsely vegetated rocky mountain slopes, often close to rivers and streams (Baran and Atatür, 1998). This species favors more densely vegetated and cooler microhabitats found on north-facing slopes.

small mammals and lizards. (probably birds too)

viviparous. give birth to 8-12 young.

october-to late april

Conservation and threats:
This species is listed on Appendix II of CITES. It is not found in any protected areas. Strong enforcement of trade restrictions are needed to help protect this species. Measures need to be taken to ensure the protection of this species in the development and implementation of infrastructure projects. The creation and enforcement of a protected area within this species restricted range would help to protect it from continuing decline.
This species is threatened by overcollection for the international pet trade (Baran and Atatür, 1998). It is also severely threatened by planned construction of a dam complex (Kara kurt, Deniz golu, and Kulu) along the Aras river. In particular, there is a dam (Kara kurt) planned that would flood most of the known habitat of this species.

New record of Vipera wagneri

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