Montivipera xanthina

This is a large vipers with an average size of 95cm (max. 130cm)


(source: internet)

This species is found in Mediterranean scrubland and mountain steppe habitats. It can be found in rural gardens, cultivated land, olive groves and among ruins. from sea level to 2500m.

small mammals, birds and lizards

Berus type. Viviparous. The mating take place in March-April before the hibernation. after 3-4 months of hibernation, the female give birth to 2-15 youngs.

Conservations and threats:
This species is listed on Annex II of the Bern Convention. It is listed on Annex IV of the EU Habitats Directive. It is present in many protected areas in southeast Anatolia, Turkey and in Greece as well.
A number populations in western Anatolia, Turkey, appear to be threatened by overcollection for the pet trade. There is some illegal export of this species from Turkey. There is some localized persecution of this species.

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